I am a full professor of Economics at the University of Hohenheim, a CEPR affiliate and a CESifo fellow.
My research interest is public economics with a focus on three topics: tax compliance, public administration, long term effects of public policy.
Work in Progress
Building Capacity in the Public Administration: Evidence from German Reunification (draft available upon request)
with A. Gumpert.
What is Fair? Experimental Evidence on Fair Equality vs Fair Inequality (draft available upon request)
with I. Hiem Sjursen & J. Vietz.
Successful Advances in Fiscal ARchItecture (SAFARI): Evidence from a new tax in Zanzibar
with O.-H. Fjeldstad, I. Hoem Sjursen, V. Somville, A. Dautheville.
Reducing Survivor Pension to Promote More Equal Labor Market Attachment of Women: Evidence from Sweden
with J. Kochems, M. Nybom, S. Siegloch.
Selected Publications
Shaming for Tax Enforcement
with L. Treber, Management Science, 2022, 68(11), 7793-8514.
Water the Flowers You Want to Grow: Evidence on Private Recognition and Charity Loyalty
with B. Bittschi & J. Rincke, European Economic Review, 131, 103624, 2021.
Settlement location shapes the integration of forced migrants: Evidence from post-war Germany
with S. Braun, Explorations in Economic History, 77, 101330, 2020.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany
with H. Kleven, I. Rasul and J. Rincke, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8(3), 203–232, 2016.