I am a full professor of Economics at the University of Hohenheim, where I hold the Chair of Public Economics. I am also an affiliated researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute Bergen as well as a CEPR affiliate and a CESifo fellow.
My research investigates the economic impact of government policy.
The first strand of my research studies tax enforcement and its distributional effects.
The second strand of my research focuses on the economics of the public administration. I strive to understand how to build administrative capacity where it is lacking. Moreover, I research the economic effects of administrative capacity.
In the third strand of research, I investigate the long-term effects of public policy with a focus on declining regions.
Work in Progress
Building Capacity in the Public Administration: Evidence from German Reunification (draft available upon request)
with A. Gumpert.
What is Fair? Experimental Evidence on Fair Equality vs Fair Inequality
with I. H. Sjursen & J. Vietz. CESifo Discussion Paper 11289, CEPR Working Paper 19472.
Successful Advances in Fiscal ARchItecture (SAFARI): Evidence from a new tax in Zanzibar
with O.-H. Fjeldstad, I. H. Sjursen, V. Somville, A. Dautheville.
Reducing Survivor Pension to Promote More Equal Labor Market Attachment of Women: Evidence from Sweden
with J. Kochems, M. Nybom, S. Siegloch.
Selected Publications
Shaming for Tax Enforcement
with L. Treber, Management Science, 2022, 68(11), 7793-8514.

Water the Flowers You Want to Grow: Evidence on Private Recognition and Charity Loyalty
with B. Bittschi & J. Rincke, European Economic Review, 131, 103624, 2021.

Settlement location shapes the integration of forced migrants: Evidence from post-war Germany
with S. Braun, Explorations in Economic History, 77, 101330, 2020.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany
with H. Kleven, I. Rasul and J. Rincke, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8(3), 203–232, 2016.